Friday, October 9, 2009

Go Figure

I awoke this morning to breaking news that President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Since the nomination process for the prize closed February 1, 2009, I wondered exactly what accomplishments he had in his resume two weeks into his Presidency that would justify this award. Hmmm…Iran and North Korea are testing missiles and enriching uranium, increasing the possibility that they will have nuclear weapons in the near future and the capability to launch them. Israel and Palestine are no closer to reconciliation. He sent more troops to Afghanistan and is now contemplating sending even more into a situation in which he admittedly has no strategy. Genocide in Darfur. Egregious human rights violations in China. These are interesting qualifications to say the least.

The next obvious question is that with unemployment at nearly 10%, banks failing, car companies failing, all manner of businesses shutting down, the stock market in flux, the dollar devaluing, speculation that the dollar will no longer be the currency of oil cartels, why didn’t he win the Nobel Prize for Economics?

Go figure.

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